Wednesday 24 August 2011

Summer Project thoughts..

So, when first recieving the Summer Project, what first came to mind was to create a stereotypical still life image of things that represent me - the standard camera, ipod, favourite book, favourite shoes etc. Not only is this such an obvious choice, when thinking about it, it didn't really show what kind of person I am, just showed my favourite things. I wanted my image to have more of a deeper meaning, show the kind of person I am in a less obvious way. Of course, this is easier said than done.
         I decided to go back to basics with the term 'still life' which to me simply meant, 'capturing your life in a still image.' When looking at still-life by artists such as Anne Vallayer-Coster and Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, it's clear that when doing still-life, the main focus is on symbolism. I needed to find a way to represent myself through an object by using symbolism. Again, this is easier said than done.

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