Thursday 25 August 2011

Summer Project.

So after all my rambling, finally a real entry thats not just me chatting away. This is my Summer Project, the first of many I'm guessing, the process was a lot harder and time-consuming that I originally thought when reading the project. Anyway, Hi, I'm Alex..

The image as a whole, represents my love for clothes. A passion thats been with me from a young age, fashion has always played a major part in my life, through working in retail and through my photography, it always pops up somehow. As well as the fact my life is based around buying too many clothes, it's an unhealthy addiction.

The three pairs of shoes in the photograph not only show the obvious fact that I love shoes, but represent three different sides to my personality I suppose. Converse; the laid back side to me. I suppose I'm one of those people 'without a care in the world.' Heels; the 'party girl' side, I love any opportunity to get dolled up with friends, I suppose they're symbolic to the more daring and out-going side. And last of all, the ballet shoes. Ballet's been a part of me since a young child, the shoes represent a passionate side to me and also maybe me trying to keep hold of my innocence?

The three bottles in the photograph represent my age. As I've only just turned 18, the alcohol represents me growing up and being given new opportunites. The candle represents the love I feel towards my friends and family, me being the 'light' in there lives. A candle, in order to fulfill itself, must burn itself out. If a candle is never lit, it never fulfills it's purpose.

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