Tuesday 25 October 2011

Abandoned Toys Research

I've decided to do some more research into how toys can be represented in photographs. In particular, I want to look at abandoned toys and how photographers create an image with the toy creating a feeling of being lost and abandoned, a feeling I want my viewer to feel when looking at my own final image...
Abandoned Toys -picture by dev-null

In this photograph it shows an abandoned teddy bear sitting alone on a step. The simplicity within the composition and positioning of the bear instantly creates the feeling of being lost and alone, the bear in my opinion is instantly given a personality and to me looks sad, making the image quite powerful yet in a simple way. The burnt orange colour of the bear in contrast to the dirty white step is very effective and the composition using the rule of thirds is simple and effective also.

Abandoned Toys - picture by Solar ikon Abandoned Toys- picture by fotologic

In the first image, the hard grainy surface of the pavement in contrast to the fluffy toy creates an intresting juxtoposition of both textures in the image. The black and white effect immediately makes the image more dull, the grey relates to the dirt on the animal and makes it more visable. The placing of the animal in contrast to the open space around it makes it have a more abandoned feel about it and again creates a sad image.

The second image is different in comparison to the first two as there are other objects in the image. The toy seems to blend in with the leaves in contrast to the dark ground, given the sense that the toy no longer has a personality yet is just decoration on a pavement.

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