Monday 10 October 2011


When first given The Object brief, I was worried about the fact the actual idea of presenting a political message through an image was such a wide prospect that it would be difficult for me to simply pick one topic that interests me. I decided to start by reading newspapers and watching the news, simply so I could take note about what most engaged me and hopefully flicker some sort of inspiration. Of course, hard-hitting stories in the paper immediately caught my attention yet none of the topics felt right for me. I decided to do something more personal, the only way I'd be able to deliver a succesful political message through an image is if that I was able to relate to it in some how. I decided to stop looking at such wide media and focus more on my own personal ideas, a story thats personal to me would hopefully create a more succesful outcome...

The story I decided to look into and do more research on was based on a friend of mine who had a tough childhood. The story basically involves a single mum turning to alcohol and drugs and mistreating her child. Although I can't relate to my friends story, I've seen the damage its done to her which makes me feel so strongly about the subject that it feels right to base my project on the issue of abused children..

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