Monday 17 October 2011

The Environment: Brief

 1. Submit a photograph that pastiches one of below images. You must imitate the photographic language of the image by researching and reproducing compositional form, camera setting, lighting conditions, depth-of-field, scale. Your work should recreate the aesthetic and feeling/mood of your chosen image. Your image is a reconstruction of the visual style of the chosen reference image.

2. You are also required to submit a set of images (minimum of three) based upon your personal conceptual approach to representing the landscape. Drawing upon the knowledge of your references, you must formulate your own visual choices to best reflect how you wish to represent the landscape. There may be political aspects you may wish to consider, or investigate the relationship between human intervention upon nature, or there may be ideas of the 'cultured' landscape that interest you. Whatever are you wish to work, it is paramount to consider the relationship between your visual strategy and how that affects the representation of the landscape.

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