Tuesday 25 October 2011

Notes from The Object review tutorial.

  • Need to make a decision whether I want the teddy bear to be symbolism of the child, therefore the teddy itself is abused like a child would be, Or is the teddy representing the comfort a child needs?
  • Maybe try focussing on the story more and maybe include some sort of alcohol in the photograph, experiment with how it can relate to the teddy in terms of composition.
  • Research more into child abuse stories for inspiration.
  • Experiment with types of lighting.
  • Maybe experiment with more toys other than a teddy bear. Research into how different toys are represented in the media.
  • Be more specific to the personal story I'm basing the image on, speak to her about her childhood toys and see if any ideas come from that.
  • Decide what effect I want on the viewer from the image. Do I want it to be Disturbing? Uncomfortable? or Sad?

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